My Sociology exam is first thing in the morning tomorrow and I am four chapters behind and I have had approximately five hours of sleep over the past two days, as well as working, and fuck!! I am going to eat so much almond nut spread tonight while I study, I just know it...damn it.
On the (comparatively small) upside, I have begun the process of learning to use my Canon SLR and I had my first driving lesson, so the ball is rolling on both a new hobby and a vital life skill. It's about time.
So. I am a bit fucked up now for a few reasons but I don't really feel like disclosing. Instead, I think I'll show you photographs that I took of some lizards in the Botanic Gardens. You can click on the pictures to enlarge, which is kind of cool because you can see their weird scales and ears. I don't know how to make the pictures big yet- can anyone help?

I had better hit the books again, even though my eyes are stinging from reading and all I want to do is sleep. What a mess.
what lens did you use?
It was the long distance one...
You like?
god you really can see everything when they're enlarged. nice one!
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