Hello there,
Today I had a quiet day; I baked banana muffins and made some fresh coffee with my little sister, whose photographic skills I have enlisted to bring you a (somewhat narcissistic, but current) photo of me, as it has been a while and I wanted to bring this shit up to date. Besides, she's only fourteen and really talented- expect more of her stuff to crop up on this blog, if all goes well. It's crazy- when I was fourteen I was wasting energy punching walls and sulking in my faux-fur beanbag. This girl has smarts.
Lately I have been loving spending way too much time with someone who makes my world turn (he doesn't know it though), Sunday drinks at small bars with friends, listening to acoustic pub music, reading magazines, going to cocktail bars with candles.
It has been a quiet week, as I succumbed to an illness which involved a lot of sweating and body temperatures that weren't in sync with my outside environment. Eventually I went along to the doctor, an experience which I hate, who stuck a thermometer in my ear and printed out a medical certificate. Thanks, doc. I surely will indulge in some bed rest and lots of fluids.
So I attended an information session for my Animal Technology Diploma that I plan on doing next year, and it was quite interesting. The employment prospects at the end of the two years are primarily research-based, but it looks like there are some interesting parts of the course I can get excited about (in the second year, they let you breed your own rat babies, and then raise said babies- I didn't have the guts to ask what they do with them at the end of the experiment though. Mine would be smuggled out for a nice rat vacation if it were anything bad though).
I feel like my life is going to change soon. Although I always say that at the end of the year.
Talk to you later.
Friday, 5 November 2010
Friday, 15 October 2010
i don't need swine flu to be a sick pig
Hey ladies and gentlemen,
Now I know that it has been a really long time since I last blogged (or for that matter, picked up my laptop).
My life has had a couple of strange twists and turns, I may or may not have had a small meltdown, but it looks like everything is on track at the moment which leaves me free to reclaim my creative outlet. I realised that I need to take more photographs, look at more blogs, get some inspiration back. Everything has been so flat lately. Pleasantly flat for the most part, but still flat nonetheless.
I bombed out of university (how many leave-of-absences can one take before the university realises that you're just not that into it anymore?). This was quite damaging to my self-image, but I have divised a strategy to gently steer over this failure; I have applied to enrol to complete a diploma in Animal Technology for 2011, which means that I could work with animals. I love animals. It's a two-year course full-time, so I would be able to take a break from the routine of working full-time.
I am smitten with someone who I have been seeing for a good couple of months now. I am playing it very cool, but I adore him. I don't know if he knows it. I hope not. I sleep there a lot.
I am still living in the apartment with the two female flatmates. Highs and lows.
I seem to have lost a lot of my mojo lately, creativity-wise. So here I am, back again, who knows for how long, but it's something to hold on to.
When did blogging become such a massive crutch for us?
Talk to you soon, bitches. I am going to pop some sleeping medicine and rap along to Eminem's "Recovery" album until I fall asleep with my head full of obscene themes and lyrics ready to leak into my subconscious. Awesome.
Now I know that it has been a really long time since I last blogged (or for that matter, picked up my laptop).
My life has had a couple of strange twists and turns, I may or may not have had a small meltdown, but it looks like everything is on track at the moment which leaves me free to reclaim my creative outlet. I realised that I need to take more photographs, look at more blogs, get some inspiration back. Everything has been so flat lately. Pleasantly flat for the most part, but still flat nonetheless.
I bombed out of university (how many leave-of-absences can one take before the university realises that you're just not that into it anymore?). This was quite damaging to my self-image, but I have divised a strategy to gently steer over this failure; I have applied to enrol to complete a diploma in Animal Technology for 2011, which means that I could work with animals. I love animals. It's a two-year course full-time, so I would be able to take a break from the routine of working full-time.
I am smitten with someone who I have been seeing for a good couple of months now. I am playing it very cool, but I adore him. I don't know if he knows it. I hope not. I sleep there a lot.
I am still living in the apartment with the two female flatmates. Highs and lows.
I seem to have lost a lot of my mojo lately, creativity-wise. So here I am, back again, who knows for how long, but it's something to hold on to.
When did blogging become such a massive crutch for us?
Talk to you soon, bitches. I am going to pop some sleeping medicine and rap along to Eminem's "Recovery" album until I fall asleep with my head full of obscene themes and lyrics ready to leak into my subconscious. Awesome.
Monday, 3 May 2010
i'm letting go of all i've held onto
Hey babes,
I have found some flatmates and an apartment to move into this week!
It will be the third time I have moved out of home and I'm only twenty years old- you have to admire my resilience. I saw the advertisement for this place on the classifieds and sent the girl an email, we got some juice, and I have to pack up my bedroom tomorrow. Everything happens so fast. These girls seem really fun and slightly loco, so I have a feeling that it will be a bit of a party pad. Suits me just fine. The apartment is wonderful, even though I have the small bedroom again. Lucky I'm a minimalist.
So, goodbye again, family home. I might be back if this doesn't work out. But I hope it does, if only for the sake of my pride. The blog might be a little quiet this week due to uprooting yet again, but promise I'll be back with updates as soon as it is practical.
Also...I wouldn't normally blog about this because it's personal, but I broke someone's heart today and feel so sad about it. I am the worst person on Earth, but sometimes things just don't feel the way you think they should feel, and that's when you have to change the situation. I'm trying to be positive but it's hard right now. Can everyone please throw a bit of excess love out into the universe for this person, if you have any spare? He is lovely...just not perfect for me.
I have found some flatmates and an apartment to move into this week!
It will be the third time I have moved out of home and I'm only twenty years old- you have to admire my resilience. I saw the advertisement for this place on the classifieds and sent the girl an email, we got some juice, and I have to pack up my bedroom tomorrow. Everything happens so fast. These girls seem really fun and slightly loco, so I have a feeling that it will be a bit of a party pad. Suits me just fine. The apartment is wonderful, even though I have the small bedroom again. Lucky I'm a minimalist.
So, goodbye again, family home. I might be back if this doesn't work out. But I hope it does, if only for the sake of my pride. The blog might be a little quiet this week due to uprooting yet again, but promise I'll be back with updates as soon as it is practical.
Also...I wouldn't normally blog about this because it's personal, but I broke someone's heart today and feel so sad about it. I am the worst person on Earth, but sometimes things just don't feel the way you think they should feel, and that's when you have to change the situation. I'm trying to be positive but it's hard right now. Can everyone please throw a bit of excess love out into the universe for this person, if you have any spare? He is lovely...just not perfect for me.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
we sure are cute for two ugly people
Hey babies,
So I didn't get the garden flat. SAD TIMES!! as it was really cute and almost perfect for me, but I have been forced to hold my chin up in this situation and soldier on, as neither my colleagues, family or friends will tolerate my complaining. I emailed some girls renting out a share flat and I'm meeting them tomorrow, so hopefully they will turn out to be completely awesome and we will fall in deep flatmate-love and I will have somewhere to live.
Tonight I am heading out to my favourite pub in the city as I have important secret business to attend to (this secret business has absolutely nothing to do with this blog, so I really don't know why I am censoring myself). As it is an important...thing, I will be wearing my skin-tight fondly nicknamed "Lady Gaga" dress (unfortunately people in my town aren't very experimental with fashion, so anything variating from a singlet and jeans is both shocking and offensive to the majority of the population). It is grey and black with shoulder pads, panels on the torso and a zipper down the front somewhat like a wetsuit. I will be teaming this with black liquid-look leggings. I may or may not stand out in the beer garden.
In other news, I attended another awesome house party that lasted three days (with the same crew as last time). We trashed the place, and then had to grumpily clean it up after. As there were hunger-inducing substances involved, naturally we ate our way through enough food to create two garbage bags-full of rubbish. And naturally, I jumped into someone's backyard pool, in my underwear, in the first few days of a freezing Canberra winter. Hello hypothermia! I stayed in there for a good fifteen minutes, convinced my buddies that it was a good idea, and spent the rest of the night swathed in other people's hooded jumpers, track pants and beanies. I left my clothes outside in the rain overnight. Epic fail.
These photographs from the Fully Sick House Party are all shitty because they're from someone's iPhone. I just always worry that my expensive camera with get trodden on, stolen, burnt or thrown in a pool. I don't really know if you guys are interested in photographs of my parties and stuff that aren't really "good" photos, but I like to have them here as a record for myself. So yeah- suck on the crapness!

So I didn't get the garden flat. SAD TIMES!! as it was really cute and almost perfect for me, but I have been forced to hold my chin up in this situation and soldier on, as neither my colleagues, family or friends will tolerate my complaining. I emailed some girls renting out a share flat and I'm meeting them tomorrow, so hopefully they will turn out to be completely awesome and we will fall in deep flatmate-love and I will have somewhere to live.
Tonight I am heading out to my favourite pub in the city as I have important secret business to attend to (this secret business has absolutely nothing to do with this blog, so I really don't know why I am censoring myself). As it is an important...thing, I will be wearing my skin-tight fondly nicknamed "Lady Gaga" dress (unfortunately people in my town aren't very experimental with fashion, so anything variating from a singlet and jeans is both shocking and offensive to the majority of the population). It is grey and black with shoulder pads, panels on the torso and a zipper down the front somewhat like a wetsuit. I will be teaming this with black liquid-look leggings. I may or may not stand out in the beer garden.
In other news, I attended another awesome house party that lasted three days (with the same crew as last time). We trashed the place, and then had to grumpily clean it up after. As there were hunger-inducing substances involved, naturally we ate our way through enough food to create two garbage bags-full of rubbish. And naturally, I jumped into someone's backyard pool, in my underwear, in the first few days of a freezing Canberra winter. Hello hypothermia! I stayed in there for a good fifteen minutes, convinced my buddies that it was a good idea, and spent the rest of the night swathed in other people's hooded jumpers, track pants and beanies. I left my clothes outside in the rain overnight. Epic fail.
These photographs from the Fully Sick House Party are all shitty because they're from someone's iPhone. I just always worry that my expensive camera with get trodden on, stolen, burnt or thrown in a pool. I don't really know if you guys are interested in photographs of my parties and stuff that aren't really "good" photos, but I like to have them here as a record for myself. So yeah- suck on the crapness!
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
standing in the way of control
Hey friends and lovers and internet paedophiles (I'm too old now, suckers!),
Overall, I think I like the way 2010 has launched itself for me. I hope everyone else is feeling good about it too. I mean, there are good parts and bad parts of course, but I have developed a better attitude about it all.
I find out whether I get my little granny flat tomorrow (I would be the best tenant they ever had!). And I have a dinner date with someone adorable and lovely to look forward to, who just called me "pretty girl" in a text message. And I passed reverse parallel parking in my driving lessons!
So see, really, things are okay. The vodka helps. And black nail polish. And sugar free Red Bull. And nice people to kiss. And friends that you can call up whenever you feel like it, who will give you good advice without judgement. And sparkly shoes. And tofu pumpkin pie in the fridge.
Over and out. Sorry about the weird entry, I am about to collapse from exhaustion, and I'm on a different computer because my lovely grandparents are staying in my bedroom. So, yeah. Bruised legs and feet below for your viewing pleasure!
Overall, I think I like the way 2010 has launched itself for me. I hope everyone else is feeling good about it too. I mean, there are good parts and bad parts of course, but I have developed a better attitude about it all.
I find out whether I get my little granny flat tomorrow (I would be the best tenant they ever had!). And I have a dinner date with someone adorable and lovely to look forward to, who just called me "pretty girl" in a text message. And I passed reverse parallel parking in my driving lessons!
So see, really, things are okay. The vodka helps. And black nail polish. And sugar free Red Bull. And nice people to kiss. And friends that you can call up whenever you feel like it, who will give you good advice without judgement. And sparkly shoes. And tofu pumpkin pie in the fridge.
Over and out. Sorry about the weird entry, I am about to collapse from exhaustion, and I'm on a different computer because my lovely grandparents are staying in my bedroom. So, yeah. Bruised legs and feet below for your viewing pleasure!
Sunday, 18 April 2010
i really miss what really did exist when i held your throat so tight
Hey y'all,
Sorry I've been M.I.A for a while. I have a lot on my plate right now. And also, I've just been super slack. And our internet went over its download limit, and we couldn't have internet for eight days, but I am using it now, and I'm not actually sure if the eight days is over yet. Oh well. Excuse time over! OVA!
Things that have been going down:
(1) A potential new place to call home. I have inspected the property, I liked it, they liked me, and now they just have to check out references and compare me to other potential tenants. I will know for sure whether I'm in on Wednesday. Fingers crossed for me. It is a tiny little garden flat in someone's backyard for a ludicrous price, but I have decided that I want to live alone. And so it will be my own little (emphasis on "little") bachelor pad, and I can get silly on wine and watch "Sex And The City" in my underwear without being judged. And then maybe fall over, crack my head on the kitchen counter and slowly bleed to death until somebody finds my decaying body a week later, because I will have no housemate to find me prior to that.
(2) I have met someone new, who I think is quite nice. My love life has been a little all over the place lately, and as a result I have come out kind of sketchy and weird, but I think this could be good. I will say more when I know more. What I will say is that we sneaked a bottle of wine into a cinema and got progressively drunk in public watching "Kick-Ass" together, which was amazing. Even more so when there were two of every character.
(3) The weirdest but simultaneously most awesome house party that I have ever been to. There was a DJ, strobe lights and an awesome sound system. They were filming some kind of anti-drug advertisement, so we were kind of encouraged to get super trashed (they supplied an icy bathtub full of alcohol) and dance like crazy. But also we were being directed, so this guy was like "DANCE! You're on ECSTASY!" and we all had to jump and shit. Really surreal. And there were people having sex in the bathroom, and passed out in the lounge room, and running around outside in a park. A couple of us ended up on the floor tripping out, watching the strobe lights through our fingers to the sweet strains of "Kids" by MGMT. Blew my mind.
(4) No university work whatsoever. I feel bad for neglecting it, but my new job is extremely stressful and when I get home I just want to go to bed straight away, or go out and see my friends and just forget it all. I really need to do something, but dusting off the textbook and starting to read is the hardest step.
Sorry I've been M.I.A for a while. I have a lot on my plate right now. And also, I've just been super slack. And our internet went over its download limit, and we couldn't have internet for eight days, but I am using it now, and I'm not actually sure if the eight days is over yet. Oh well. Excuse time over! OVA!
Things that have been going down:
(1) A potential new place to call home. I have inspected the property, I liked it, they liked me, and now they just have to check out references and compare me to other potential tenants. I will know for sure whether I'm in on Wednesday. Fingers crossed for me. It is a tiny little garden flat in someone's backyard for a ludicrous price, but I have decided that I want to live alone. And so it will be my own little (emphasis on "little") bachelor pad, and I can get silly on wine and watch "Sex And The City" in my underwear without being judged. And then maybe fall over, crack my head on the kitchen counter and slowly bleed to death until somebody finds my decaying body a week later, because I will have no housemate to find me prior to that.
(2) I have met someone new, who I think is quite nice. My love life has been a little all over the place lately, and as a result I have come out kind of sketchy and weird, but I think this could be good. I will say more when I know more. What I will say is that we sneaked a bottle of wine into a cinema and got progressively drunk in public watching "Kick-Ass" together, which was amazing. Even more so when there were two of every character.
(3) The weirdest but simultaneously most awesome house party that I have ever been to. There was a DJ, strobe lights and an awesome sound system. They were filming some kind of anti-drug advertisement, so we were kind of encouraged to get super trashed (they supplied an icy bathtub full of alcohol) and dance like crazy. But also we were being directed, so this guy was like "DANCE! You're on ECSTASY!" and we all had to jump and shit. Really surreal. And there were people having sex in the bathroom, and passed out in the lounge room, and running around outside in a park. A couple of us ended up on the floor tripping out, watching the strobe lights through our fingers to the sweet strains of "Kids" by MGMT. Blew my mind.
(4) No university work whatsoever. I feel bad for neglecting it, but my new job is extremely stressful and when I get home I just want to go to bed straight away, or go out and see my friends and just forget it all. I really need to do something, but dusting off the textbook and starting to read is the hardest step.
Friday, 9 April 2010
mad as hell and usually drunk but i love her like no other
Hello darlings,
We have made it to Friday! High fives all round! I am feeling so good right now. My mood goes up and down like a rollercoaster but I really do adore the highs. Lately my life consists of working a lot of overtime in my insurance job (it's dark in the morning when I arrive and it's dark when I leave in the evening!), partying as much as I humanly can, hanging at my twin brother's slightly grimy share house, reading a lot of fashion magazines, not doing much of my university reading, drinking a lot of green tea and taking eight vitamin pills a day just to stay alive.
In other frivolous news, I have also been enjoying playing around painting my nails (at the moment they are a pale shell pink), wearing extremely smudgy eyeliner on purpose, teasing my hair, baking with my Mum on the weekends, eating healthily (lots of vegetables, water, plain yoghurt, fruit and bran) and wearing thick woolly legwarmers with my tight office dresses and heels. My shins get cold, alright?
Tonight I am heading out with my male buddies exclusively, as I have become their wing woman of sorts. I won't complain because they are super fun company, I can be as crude as I like, and they happily share their clothes/illicit substances/food/alcohol/advice/jokes. They are picking me up in about an hour- for now I'm listening to old "Kings of Leon" songs that bring back bad ass memories and gnawing on a piece of Parmesan cheese. It's going to be a good night.
Here are some photographs from a couple of nights ago. What's up, abnormally large naked gap between my eyebrows in the last picture? How you doin'?
We have made it to Friday! High fives all round! I am feeling so good right now. My mood goes up and down like a rollercoaster but I really do adore the highs. Lately my life consists of working a lot of overtime in my insurance job (it's dark in the morning when I arrive and it's dark when I leave in the evening!), partying as much as I humanly can, hanging at my twin brother's slightly grimy share house, reading a lot of fashion magazines, not doing much of my university reading, drinking a lot of green tea and taking eight vitamin pills a day just to stay alive.
In other frivolous news, I have also been enjoying playing around painting my nails (at the moment they are a pale shell pink), wearing extremely smudgy eyeliner on purpose, teasing my hair, baking with my Mum on the weekends, eating healthily (lots of vegetables, water, plain yoghurt, fruit and bran) and wearing thick woolly legwarmers with my tight office dresses and heels. My shins get cold, alright?
Tonight I am heading out with my male buddies exclusively, as I have become their wing woman of sorts. I won't complain because they are super fun company, I can be as crude as I like, and they happily share their clothes/illicit substances/food/alcohol/advice/jokes. They are picking me up in about an hour- for now I'm listening to old "Kings of Leon" songs that bring back bad ass memories and gnawing on a piece of Parmesan cheese. It's going to be a good night.
Here are some photographs from a couple of nights ago. What's up, abnormally large naked gap between my eyebrows in the last picture? How you doin'?
Sunday, 4 April 2010
you should be honoured by my lateness
So, the thing that I alluded to in the previous blog entry turned out to be an epic fail! But it's okay because it is Easter, and with Easter comes a long chilled-out weekend: awesome. Things that I did today:
(1) Chewed the ears off the large chocolate bunny which I found this morning sitting on my television, staring at me as I slept. Mildly creepy, but I have rendered it pretty harmless now. Also food-related, I made some delicious bran muffins and ate them for breakfast with Greek yoghurt and honey. And then my Mum made some coffee with the little machine, and it was really strong and bitter and nice.
(2) Went to the Farmer's Market and picked up twelve onion bagels! SCORE! I go to the food market every Sunday, even if I've been out until 5am the night before.
(3) Woke up at 3am with a shock to my mobile phone loudly ringing right next to my head, and had a conversation with someone who I think is an asshole but also keeps me amused. Seriously, who calls someone at that heinous time two nights in a row? Assholes, that's who.
(4) Used this new hair product I purchased which makes my hair really light and fluffy.
(5) Watched episodes of "30 Rock" with my little sister. It has been a very quiet long weekend for me as my best friends went on a mini man-holiday and left me behind. But sometimes it's nice to have a quiet one, and go shopping with your Mum, and buy some new shoes, and watch DVD's, and bake stuff in the kitchen. Hope everyone else is having a nice Easter. Just don't make yourself sick on chocolate like I always do.
(1) Chewed the ears off the large chocolate bunny which I found this morning sitting on my television, staring at me as I slept. Mildly creepy, but I have rendered it pretty harmless now. Also food-related, I made some delicious bran muffins and ate them for breakfast with Greek yoghurt and honey. And then my Mum made some coffee with the little machine, and it was really strong and bitter and nice.
(2) Went to the Farmer's Market and picked up twelve onion bagels! SCORE! I go to the food market every Sunday, even if I've been out until 5am the night before.
(3) Woke up at 3am with a shock to my mobile phone loudly ringing right next to my head, and had a conversation with someone who I think is an asshole but also keeps me amused. Seriously, who calls someone at that heinous time two nights in a row? Assholes, that's who.
(4) Used this new hair product I purchased which makes my hair really light and fluffy.
(5) Watched episodes of "30 Rock" with my little sister. It has been a very quiet long weekend for me as my best friends went on a mini man-holiday and left me behind. But sometimes it's nice to have a quiet one, and go shopping with your Mum, and buy some new shoes, and watch DVD's, and bake stuff in the kitchen. Hope everyone else is having a nice Easter. Just don't make yourself sick on chocolate like I always do.
Monday, 29 March 2010
do you want to have a slumber party in my basement
Hello sweet bloggers,
It appears that I am back on the happy wagon, at least temporarily. This is directly related to the fact that I took a risk on the weekend, and asked out someone who I have fancied for a while now. I don't quite know the outcome of my risk-taking yet (as there are some factors influencing the decision, it's kind of weird, maybe best not to ask), but I feel good that I tried. In fact, it probably won't work out. Fingers crossed, because this person is lovely and gorgeous. But I will be okay whatever happens.
Even if sometimes the things I do just end with me falling on my face, I figure that at least I won't have regrets for the things that I didn't try. Also, I will have a big bank of funny stuff for when I have kiddies, and I can tell them stories, and they will think that I am just as awesome as they originally suspected based on my chic but interesting dress sense and quick wit.
So. This good mood may or may not last very long depending on a certain someone, but for now I'm running around the house with bare feet, feeling too jumpy to eat anything substantial, and will laugh at anything. I am high on life. And in light of my special mood, I even painted my nails a sweet glittery eggshell colour, and took a photograph of them for you.
How lovely.
It appears that I am back on the happy wagon, at least temporarily. This is directly related to the fact that I took a risk on the weekend, and asked out someone who I have fancied for a while now. I don't quite know the outcome of my risk-taking yet (as there are some factors influencing the decision, it's kind of weird, maybe best not to ask), but I feel good that I tried. In fact, it probably won't work out. Fingers crossed, because this person is lovely and gorgeous. But I will be okay whatever happens.
Even if sometimes the things I do just end with me falling on my face, I figure that at least I won't have regrets for the things that I didn't try. Also, I will have a big bank of funny stuff for when I have kiddies, and I can tell them stories, and they will think that I am just as awesome as they originally suspected based on my chic but interesting dress sense and quick wit.
So. This good mood may or may not last very long depending on a certain someone, but for now I'm running around the house with bare feet, feeling too jumpy to eat anything substantial, and will laugh at anything. I am high on life. And in light of my special mood, I even painted my nails a sweet glittery eggshell colour, and took a photograph of them for you.
How lovely.
Saturday, 27 March 2010
my best judgement signed its resignation
Good morning bloggers, or afternoon, although I have only been awake for an hour,
It was Friday night last night, a night of celebrations and forgetting that I have to crawl back into the office in a couple of days time. As per usual I went out dancing with friends and it was a lot of fun. We did shots at the bar, I wore ridiculously high stillettos with heels as thin as pins (I nearly broke my ankle about six times last night), we tore up the dance floor, we walked around, and I somewhat reconciled things with the previously mentioned bouncer at the pub (even helping with pub security by wriggling into the little guard platform to stand next to him. I'm so annoying).
I woke up this morning bleary eyed and dry-mouthed, with two of my stinky male friends plus my twin brother in his less than hygienic bedroom (I'm talking empty tuna cans, and tobacco trodden into the carpet), but at least I had a place to stay. I have been known to stay out until the buses start running again in the morning to avoid the ludicrous cab fare back to my house.
The picture below depicts me, taken about five minutes ago. Behind me, stuck to the wall, is a piece of paper with all my uni readings on it. I am approximately five weeks behind on this schedule. I have approximately seven hours until I have to dress up, get out to the city and repeat last night all over again. The race is on. Wish me luck.
It was Friday night last night, a night of celebrations and forgetting that I have to crawl back into the office in a couple of days time. As per usual I went out dancing with friends and it was a lot of fun. We did shots at the bar, I wore ridiculously high stillettos with heels as thin as pins (I nearly broke my ankle about six times last night), we tore up the dance floor, we walked around, and I somewhat reconciled things with the previously mentioned bouncer at the pub (even helping with pub security by wriggling into the little guard platform to stand next to him. I'm so annoying).
I woke up this morning bleary eyed and dry-mouthed, with two of my stinky male friends plus my twin brother in his less than hygienic bedroom (I'm talking empty tuna cans, and tobacco trodden into the carpet), but at least I had a place to stay. I have been known to stay out until the buses start running again in the morning to avoid the ludicrous cab fare back to my house.
The picture below depicts me, taken about five minutes ago. Behind me, stuck to the wall, is a piece of paper with all my uni readings on it. I am approximately five weeks behind on this schedule. I have approximately seven hours until I have to dress up, get out to the city and repeat last night all over again. The race is on. Wish me luck.
Thursday, 25 March 2010
gravitating towards a taste
I am exhausted and sick, again! This blog is becoming nothing more than a list of my various symptoms and illnesses, which is not exactly what I envisioned when I launched a blog. Sorry everyone! I'll pipe down about my need for sleep, the sudden clogging of my nostrils and perpetual dopey state due to a cloudy head. Too many cold and flu tablets perhaps?
I spent Tuesday night happily at dinner with some male companions (again at the favourite restaurant), had some tofu ramen, then headed to my favourite Irish pub. I threw back some vodka sodas, carelessly disregarding the telltale signs of an impending viral infection, and we went driving for a little while, and I landed myself in bed. The next morning I awoke, stumbled to the shower, got dressed, and decided somewhere between eating my morning bagel and taking my daily vitamins that I would not be going to work that day. So I went back to bed and slept, all day long.
I trudged to work today, and no-one wanted to come near me in case I was contagious, and then I came home and had a fight with my parents (I got a tad overly emotional and upset due to lack of sleep and general lack of wellbeing), and now I'm here, fuming and slightly sick to my stomach, in front of ye olde laptop.
Apologies for "nothing" entry and arrogant look in photographs. I think that's just how my face rolls.
I spent Tuesday night happily at dinner with some male companions (again at the favourite restaurant), had some tofu ramen, then headed to my favourite Irish pub. I threw back some vodka sodas, carelessly disregarding the telltale signs of an impending viral infection, and we went driving for a little while, and I landed myself in bed. The next morning I awoke, stumbled to the shower, got dressed, and decided somewhere between eating my morning bagel and taking my daily vitamins that I would not be going to work that day. So I went back to bed and slept, all day long.
I trudged to work today, and no-one wanted to come near me in case I was contagious, and then I came home and had a fight with my parents (I got a tad overly emotional and upset due to lack of sleep and general lack of wellbeing), and now I'm here, fuming and slightly sick to my stomach, in front of ye olde laptop.
Apologies for "nothing" entry and arrogant look in photographs. I think that's just how my face rolls.
Monday, 22 March 2010
she'll bartend your party
Things were good for a little while and now they have become decidedly mediocre again. I hate it when things become ordinary, as opposed to exciting and hopeful. My coping strategies when things don't go how I planned is:
(1) Eat something small that I enjoy. Too much or too unhealthy just means that I panic about nutritional value, but just enough can take the edge off a bad day. Usually I resort to a glass of Milo with skim milk, or I like to have these little crackers with goats cheese on them, or just then I made a bit of porridge with sliced banana and rice milk. Or, you know, getting massively drunk and doing something embarrassing. Like how I semi hit on the (shall we say) slightly older bouncer at my favourite pub on the weekend, and now I can never return. Ever. Sorry, friends. I know it was our favourite haunt since we reached the legal drinking age, but we'll have to find somewhere else now!
(2) Read a lot of celebrity magazines and look at pictures on the internet to try and project myself away from my current situation and feelings. I am obsessed with magazines (voyeuristic tendencies here...perhaps that is why I have turned to blogging?) and can hunch over the kitchen table and read for hours.
(3) Watch my favourite DVD series for hours, again with the escapism. When I broke up with my ex-boyfriend who I loved very much for two whole years (I think his photograph is still up on this blog somewhere?), I shut myself away in my room and watched episode after episode of "Friends" for three whole days, trying to make myself feel as though everything would be okay in the end. And it was.
(4) Read a book. Right now I am re-reading "Middlesex" by Jeffrey Eugenides, and that is about a hermaphrodite who is trying to cope in a world that is really not very open-minded about owning two sets of genitalia simultaneously. So you see, when I am absorbed in this story, my issues pale in comparison!
(5) Wear geek glasses and cuddle a toy unicorn on my giant futon, which incidentally happens to be a convenient segue into these photographs that my little sister Fern took for the blog! She's only thirteen and wicked cool, obviously...when I was thirteen I was still wearing denim-on-denim, and not in an ironic way. And, um, that last picture is just actually me looking really geeky. My teeth are slightly too large for my mouth...I made her laugh by doing lewd things to the unicorn, and then her laughing made me laugh. My bad.
(1) Eat something small that I enjoy. Too much or too unhealthy just means that I panic about nutritional value, but just enough can take the edge off a bad day. Usually I resort to a glass of Milo with skim milk, or I like to have these little crackers with goats cheese on them, or just then I made a bit of porridge with sliced banana and rice milk. Or, you know, getting massively drunk and doing something embarrassing. Like how I semi hit on the (shall we say) slightly older bouncer at my favourite pub on the weekend, and now I can never return. Ever. Sorry, friends. I know it was our favourite haunt since we reached the legal drinking age, but we'll have to find somewhere else now!
(2) Read a lot of celebrity magazines and look at pictures on the internet to try and project myself away from my current situation and feelings. I am obsessed with magazines (voyeuristic tendencies here...perhaps that is why I have turned to blogging?) and can hunch over the kitchen table and read for hours.
(3) Watch my favourite DVD series for hours, again with the escapism. When I broke up with my ex-boyfriend who I loved very much for two whole years (I think his photograph is still up on this blog somewhere?), I shut myself away in my room and watched episode after episode of "Friends" for three whole days, trying to make myself feel as though everything would be okay in the end. And it was.
(4) Read a book. Right now I am re-reading "Middlesex" by Jeffrey Eugenides, and that is about a hermaphrodite who is trying to cope in a world that is really not very open-minded about owning two sets of genitalia simultaneously. So you see, when I am absorbed in this story, my issues pale in comparison!
(5) Wear geek glasses and cuddle a toy unicorn on my giant futon, which incidentally happens to be a convenient segue into these photographs that my little sister Fern took for the blog! She's only thirteen and wicked cool, obviously...when I was thirteen I was still wearing denim-on-denim, and not in an ironic way. And, um, that last picture is just actually me looking really geeky. My teeth are slightly too large for my mouth...I made her laugh by doing lewd things to the unicorn, and then her laughing made me laugh. My bad.
Sunday, 14 March 2010
she's cheer captain and i'm on the bleachers
Hey party animals!
I have been feeling so weird lately! My life is just a confusing tangle of people and events.
I have been drinking a lot of wine and vodka which I love, have gone out to dinner a couple of times which was also lovely, have sent a million text messages on my super cute phone (Nokia E71's are the shit), have caught countless buses in the chilly night full of drunkards and drug addicts and tired public service commuters heading home while my night is only beginning. It's nice right now to think of all the fun times but I'm falling behind on my reading and writing for university, and the deadlines are fast approaching. Uh oh! Head down, bum up (as they say).
I am about to collapse of exhaustion today due to a particularly late night, but I can't until I have completed this stupid assignment! I will make a futile attempt to pamper myself during study time by eating organic peanut butter straight out of the jar and reading my textbooks in bed under a doona (as opposed to upright at my desk). It's the little things in life.
Also I promise to be a little more regular with the blogging...I'm such a slacker these days. Super slack. As in, I just had to rub jojoba oil through my hair to attempt to detangle the matted parts. It is wrong for a girl in the 21st century to have matted hair. And now my scalp feels as though it is on fire. Not my day, man!

I have been feeling so weird lately! My life is just a confusing tangle of people and events.
I have been drinking a lot of wine and vodka which I love, have gone out to dinner a couple of times which was also lovely, have sent a million text messages on my super cute phone (Nokia E71's are the shit), have caught countless buses in the chilly night full of drunkards and drug addicts and tired public service commuters heading home while my night is only beginning. It's nice right now to think of all the fun times but I'm falling behind on my reading and writing for university, and the deadlines are fast approaching. Uh oh! Head down, bum up (as they say).
I am about to collapse of exhaustion today due to a particularly late night, but I can't until I have completed this stupid assignment! I will make a futile attempt to pamper myself during study time by eating organic peanut butter straight out of the jar and reading my textbooks in bed under a doona (as opposed to upright at my desk). It's the little things in life.
Also I promise to be a little more regular with the blogging...I'm such a slacker these days. Super slack. As in, I just had to rub jojoba oil through my hair to attempt to detangle the matted parts. It is wrong for a girl in the 21st century to have matted hair. And now my scalp feels as though it is on fire. Not my day, man!
Sunday, 7 March 2010
i don't want to be friends
I have lost my voice, for real! It's just not happening for me lately, friends.
So now I am stuck at home, and I'm not supposed to talk in case I make it worse. I've attempted to cheer myself up by watching episodes of "Skins," which I love. But then it was the episode where Tony got hit by the bus and he's all pale with blood coming out of his mouth lying in the street, and it just kind of made me upset.
Rolled out of bed and headed out to the Farmer's Market bright and early this morning to check out some fresh produce. My favourite bagel stand were fresh out of onion ones, which I have only recently discovered are the best thing ever, so I cut my losses and purchased some raisin ones instead.I always make sure I have an excellent breakfast, even if I am running late. It is my favourite meal of the day for sure.
I'm so excited right now because I'm seeing some special pals on Monday night to get a little bit wasted and enjoy each others company, which we haven't done for a long time as one of them went away to Holland to be with his girlfriend. And then they broke up and he came back into loving arms. Time to celebrate!
Today I will while away the hours doing my university readings in the public library with my Dad (who is doing his psychology degree), baking some vegetable muffins and attending a birthday party for my little cousin in the evening. I know alcohol is bad if your immune system is in Struggle Town, but surely a couple of wines can't hurt...and perhaps some brandy....?
So now I am stuck at home, and I'm not supposed to talk in case I make it worse. I've attempted to cheer myself up by watching episodes of "Skins," which I love. But then it was the episode where Tony got hit by the bus and he's all pale with blood coming out of his mouth lying in the street, and it just kind of made me upset.
Rolled out of bed and headed out to the Farmer's Market bright and early this morning to check out some fresh produce. My favourite bagel stand were fresh out of onion ones, which I have only recently discovered are the best thing ever, so I cut my losses and purchased some raisin ones instead.I always make sure I have an excellent breakfast, even if I am running late. It is my favourite meal of the day for sure.
I'm so excited right now because I'm seeing some special pals on Monday night to get a little bit wasted and enjoy each others company, which we haven't done for a long time as one of them went away to Holland to be with his girlfriend. And then they broke up and he came back into loving arms. Time to celebrate!
Today I will while away the hours doing my university readings in the public library with my Dad (who is doing his psychology degree), baking some vegetable muffins and attending a birthday party for my little cousin in the evening. I know alcohol is bad if your immune system is in Struggle Town, but surely a couple of wines can't hurt...and perhaps some brandy....?
Friday, 5 March 2010
got me looking so crazy right now
Hello my sweet bloggers,
Please find it in your hearts to forgive and forget if this post is delirious and a waste of time, as I am struggling by today on literally a single hour's sleep; last night I went out to the city with the intention of a nice dinner (at the same restaurant I always go to, FYI), some beans, a couple of noodles, and perhaps a bite of tofu with a certain man friend and twin brother.
Well. Well! The night mutated into something a lot larger and a whole lot more serious than a simple dinner. There was a lot of alcohol. And then there was a lot of dancing. And a little bit of sitting in a skate park at 3am listening to music streaming from a mobile phone, and then realising that my handbag had somehow made the journey to another suburb and I had to go fetch it and get my house keys.
And there was a criminally expensive cab fare of $109.
And then all of a sudden it was 5am and I was lying in bed with my phone resting on the side of my face, mumbling into it occasionally to my companion on the other end of the line, and then I heard snoring and realised that my conversation had well and truly died. So I fell asleep in my clothes. And when I woke up an hour later to get ready for work, I realised with slight horror that I was still in fact drunk. The shame. But totally worth it.
I suffered through eight hours of work today and became the laughing stock of the office because I have lost my voice (voice, if you can hear me, come back, I miss you okay? I didn't mean what I said!) and I sound a little how Lisa Simpson would probably sound if she sucked up a balloon full of helium. Twice.
And now I am cooking some delicious and nutritious mushroom soup to replenish myself and fend for my family. I am exhausted like you would not believe. Going to be weeping into my soup bowl, and will inevitably suffer hideous third degree burns to the face when I accidentally fall asleep face down in the bowl. Oh dear.
(Good story Jane, yeah, I'm fascinated, that's awesome!) (Oh wow, thanks guys, you are so sweet! I'm here all night!). Blah blah!
Please find it in your hearts to forgive and forget if this post is delirious and a waste of time, as I am struggling by today on literally a single hour's sleep; last night I went out to the city with the intention of a nice dinner (at the same restaurant I always go to, FYI), some beans, a couple of noodles, and perhaps a bite of tofu with a certain man friend and twin brother.
Well. Well! The night mutated into something a lot larger and a whole lot more serious than a simple dinner. There was a lot of alcohol. And then there was a lot of dancing. And a little bit of sitting in a skate park at 3am listening to music streaming from a mobile phone, and then realising that my handbag had somehow made the journey to another suburb and I had to go fetch it and get my house keys.
And there was a criminally expensive cab fare of $109.
And then all of a sudden it was 5am and I was lying in bed with my phone resting on the side of my face, mumbling into it occasionally to my companion on the other end of the line, and then I heard snoring and realised that my conversation had well and truly died. So I fell asleep in my clothes. And when I woke up an hour later to get ready for work, I realised with slight horror that I was still in fact drunk. The shame. But totally worth it.
I suffered through eight hours of work today and became the laughing stock of the office because I have lost my voice (voice, if you can hear me, come back, I miss you okay? I didn't mean what I said!) and I sound a little how Lisa Simpson would probably sound if she sucked up a balloon full of helium. Twice.
And now I am cooking some delicious and nutritious mushroom soup to replenish myself and fend for my family. I am exhausted like you would not believe. Going to be weeping into my soup bowl, and will inevitably suffer hideous third degree burns to the face when I accidentally fall asleep face down in the bowl. Oh dear.
(Good story Jane, yeah, I'm fascinated, that's awesome!) (Oh wow, thanks guys, you are so sweet! I'm here all night!). Blah blah!
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
the district sleeps alone tonight after the bars turn out their lights
Hello darlings!
Well I am feeling much better about everything after an hour and a half of salsa dancing last night, and an hour of sweating at the gym after work today. Sadly, in spite of my well-intentioned exercise, I appear to have re-contracted my viral illness and I have a suspicion as to where I keep picking it up- the temporary administration assistant at my office was informed by her doctor that she had bronchitis, tonsillitis and the flu. A triple threat, people! In the same cubicle! I am fervently popping vitamins and minerals and chewing on vitamin c tablets like candy.
In other exciting (read: mundane) news, I think I am going to have to swap vodka Redbulls and dancing for chamomile tea and textbooks for the next thirteen weeks, as my university-by-correspondence has begun to...well, correspond. With me. The subjects look quite interesting though, especially nutrition. I love talking about food, even if sometimes actually eating it makes me nervous.
And look, I did a little something new with my rat's nest. So it looks a little dirty because I worked out at the gym prior to this picture being taken, I look a little tired from work and my fluorescent ceiling light is extremely unflattering, but I guess that's just how I roll! Do we like the blonde? Do I look like a woman of mystery in my red lipstick? Oh wow, my portable wardrobe looks like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I should probably screw that loose wheel back in...
Okay, my lovely readers (all two of you!), I have to leave you for the moment. Some of us have study plans to write!
Well I am feeling much better about everything after an hour and a half of salsa dancing last night, and an hour of sweating at the gym after work today. Sadly, in spite of my well-intentioned exercise, I appear to have re-contracted my viral illness and I have a suspicion as to where I keep picking it up- the temporary administration assistant at my office was informed by her doctor that she had bronchitis, tonsillitis and the flu. A triple threat, people! In the same cubicle! I am fervently popping vitamins and minerals and chewing on vitamin c tablets like candy.
In other exciting (read: mundane) news, I think I am going to have to swap vodka Redbulls and dancing for chamomile tea and textbooks for the next thirteen weeks, as my university-by-correspondence has begun to...well, correspond. With me. The subjects look quite interesting though, especially nutrition. I love talking about food, even if sometimes actually eating it makes me nervous.
And look, I did a little something new with my rat's nest. So it looks a little dirty because I worked out at the gym prior to this picture being taken, I look a little tired from work and my fluorescent ceiling light is extremely unflattering, but I guess that's just how I roll! Do we like the blonde? Do I look like a woman of mystery in my red lipstick? Oh wow, my portable wardrobe looks like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I should probably screw that loose wheel back in...
Okay, my lovely readers (all two of you!), I have to leave you for the moment. Some of us have study plans to write!
Friday, 26 February 2010
shots shots shots
Hello friends and lovers of the blogosphere. So I've decided to just fuck it all and have a good time! Life's too short to not..uh, fuck it....yep.
I have decided to pick myself up from a decidedly minor setback (now that I actually think about it), dust myself off and continue as per usual as my happiest self. And finally it is Friday! I'm meeting my favourite (well, only) twin brother in the city for dinner at our favourite restaurant spot, hopefully I can sink a couple of sneaky mojitos while everyone is distracted with their various food and juice items, and generally have a good time. Edamame beans and tofu ramen, here I come!
I'm getting my annual haircut tomorrow. And then tomorrow night will be the best party time with my party animal friends whom I love very much. Hopefully with sexy hair. And sexy dancing (that's what your best girlfriends are for, isn't it?). I did a couple of very nice espresso vodka shots at an expensive cocktail bar last week...perhaps a revisit is necessary? I think so!
I have decided to pick myself up from a decidedly minor setback (now that I actually think about it), dust myself off and continue as per usual as my happiest self. And finally it is Friday! I'm meeting my favourite (well, only) twin brother in the city for dinner at our favourite restaurant spot, hopefully I can sink a couple of sneaky mojitos while everyone is distracted with their various food and juice items, and generally have a good time. Edamame beans and tofu ramen, here I come!
I'm getting my annual haircut tomorrow. And then tomorrow night will be the best party time with my party animal friends whom I love very much. Hopefully with sexy hair. And sexy dancing (that's what your best girlfriends are for, isn't it?). I did a couple of very nice espresso vodka shots at an expensive cocktail bar last week...perhaps a revisit is necessary? I think so!
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
i know that it is freezing but i think we have to walk
I really miss the way things used to be, before I was worried about men (hurting me) and my job (keeping it) and my weight (stop gaining it) and my money (spend too much). I just can't seem to escape anything now. I miss my friends that all went away to other countries. I miss eating whatever I wanted, without being all fucked up about it. I miss being able to pick myself up and move on. Simple things appear more difficult as I get older, which I'm quite sure is not the way things are supposed to be.
Time to make a change, I guess. I'm just not sure where to start.
Time to make a change, I guess. I'm just not sure where to start.
Thursday, 18 February 2010
want to dance with no pants on
Hello babies!
This will only be a short blog entry as I have to go get ready, but I just wanted to say that I am in the best mood ever. Even though I worked really hard today in the office, I got a lot done, and I am making friends with my new workmates. We play tennis on Wednesdays.
Without further avail: it's time to have a shower, wash my hair with my favourite strawberry shampoo, slap some pretty make-up on, pick out a dress and get out of here! It feels like the night to kiss and cuddle my best friends in public, thrash around until 3am, consume potential litres of my favourite beverage (the ever-popular vodka Red Bull), inappropriately text people that I shouldn't, and go crazy.
....and then turn up at work bright and early tomorrow morning, smelling clean...this is why I hardly ever go out on Thursday nights!
Here is some socks-and-sandals action. These are some Doc Martens that my Mum gave me for my eighteenth birthday (all those years ago), which I absolutely love. I remember it was a really hot summer night and I insisted on wearing them with my floaty floral dress to my birthday party, even though they are winter shoes. She has really great taste. I kind of...don't.
This will only be a short blog entry as I have to go get ready, but I just wanted to say that I am in the best mood ever. Even though I worked really hard today in the office, I got a lot done, and I am making friends with my new workmates. We play tennis on Wednesdays.
Without further avail: it's time to have a shower, wash my hair with my favourite strawberry shampoo, slap some pretty make-up on, pick out a dress and get out of here! It feels like the night to kiss and cuddle my best friends in public, thrash around until 3am, consume potential litres of my favourite beverage (the ever-popular vodka Red Bull), inappropriately text people that I shouldn't, and go crazy.
....and then turn up at work bright and early tomorrow morning, smelling clean...this is why I hardly ever go out on Thursday nights!
Here is some socks-and-sandals action. These are some Doc Martens that my Mum gave me for my eighteenth birthday (all those years ago), which I absolutely love. I remember it was a really hot summer night and I insisted on wearing them with my floaty floral dress to my birthday party, even though they are winter shoes. She has really great taste. I kind of...don't.
Monday, 15 February 2010
i'm your biggest fan i'll follow you until you love me
So, I apologise for being M.I.A on this blog for a while!
I have had a bit going on, mostly in the form of nights out on the town, moving house yet again (out of the apartment, back to the parents'!), disappointing some people, and contracting some sort of virus which confined me to my bed all of yesterday watching endless episodes of "Skins" and eating endless numbers of carrots. I really couldn't stomach anything else. And to make it worse, I'm eating a carrot right now as I'm typing this! I am seeing the doctor in a couple of hours.
I feel like my life is a bit of an epic fail at the moment (two steps forward, three steps backward!) but I have decided to uncharacteristically look at my situation optimistically and just trust that things will work out in my favour. Fingers crossed for me, fellow bloggers! I've got some stuff to sort out!
Also, P.S: I did a guest blogging spot over at Darling Darling, who I have a lot of blog-love for, so check it out if you fancy. They are just some photographs of my twin brother who reluctantly donned make-up and Doc Martens for me- ahh, sibling love!
Alright. I'm going back to bed to sweat out this sickness. I hope you're all impressed that I still managed to crawl over here and blog for you, like some kind of circus monkey! Just joking. I love you guys.
I have had a bit going on, mostly in the form of nights out on the town, moving house yet again (out of the apartment, back to the parents'!), disappointing some people, and contracting some sort of virus which confined me to my bed all of yesterday watching endless episodes of "Skins" and eating endless numbers of carrots. I really couldn't stomach anything else. And to make it worse, I'm eating a carrot right now as I'm typing this! I am seeing the doctor in a couple of hours.
I feel like my life is a bit of an epic fail at the moment (two steps forward, three steps backward!) but I have decided to uncharacteristically look at my situation optimistically and just trust that things will work out in my favour. Fingers crossed for me, fellow bloggers! I've got some stuff to sort out!
Also, P.S: I did a guest blogging spot over at Darling Darling, who I have a lot of blog-love for, so check it out if you fancy. They are just some photographs of my twin brother who reluctantly donned make-up and Doc Martens for me- ahh, sibling love!
Alright. I'm going back to bed to sweat out this sickness. I hope you're all impressed that I still managed to crawl over here and blog for you, like some kind of circus monkey! Just joking. I love you guys.
Monday, 8 February 2010
it's not that i don't like you i'm just at a party
I had my first salsa dancing lesson tonight, and it was great.
I took on this challenge as somewhere in the beginning of 2010 I decided to become a Yes Man (or woman, as it were), and enthusiastically reply in the affirmative to suggestions that I would not normally consider (heads up: this is not going to become some kind of "Year of Yes" blog experiment or anything, as I do not want to steal Danny Wallace's thunder or be sued under copyright laws).
But yes; this is how I have found myself doing vodka and/or tequila shots at parties when I know I despise these drinks from past experience, why I am playing tennis on Wednesday with workmates, why I purchased a tie-dye t-shirt from the hippie store in the mall, and why I am eating seven-day old pasta leftovers as I type this (for any regular readers, if you do indeed exist, yes, it is the previously mentioned tomato and vegetarian sausage dish). Fingers crossed, people. I think it's okay to eat.
But the point is: salsa dancing was pretty fun, although I mistakenly wore Converse high-tops so when it came time to "spin!" I nearly broke an ankle 'cause my foot stuck to the polished wood floor. But it worked out just fine in the end, and although I was very uncoordinated, I was pleased for being brave enough to try something new. Tequila still makes me vomit though.
I took on this challenge as somewhere in the beginning of 2010 I decided to become a Yes Man (or woman, as it were), and enthusiastically reply in the affirmative to suggestions that I would not normally consider (heads up: this is not going to become some kind of "Year of Yes" blog experiment or anything, as I do not want to steal Danny Wallace's thunder or be sued under copyright laws).
But yes; this is how I have found myself doing vodka and/or tequila shots at parties when I know I despise these drinks from past experience, why I am playing tennis on Wednesday with workmates, why I purchased a tie-dye t-shirt from the hippie store in the mall, and why I am eating seven-day old pasta leftovers as I type this (for any regular readers, if you do indeed exist, yes, it is the previously mentioned tomato and vegetarian sausage dish). Fingers crossed, people. I think it's okay to eat.
But the point is: salsa dancing was pretty fun, although I mistakenly wore Converse high-tops so when it came time to "spin!" I nearly broke an ankle 'cause my foot stuck to the polished wood floor. But it worked out just fine in the end, and although I was very uncoordinated, I was pleased for being brave enough to try something new. Tequila still makes me vomit though.
Thursday, 4 February 2010
he's having a smoke and she's taking a drag
I have been quite social the past couple of weeks.
I invited my an old friend over and went all twenties' housewife on her ass, cooking up a delectable feast of wholemeal spaghetti with organic tomato sauce and vegetarian soy sausage. And then I did not have any wine, as I am currently staving off alcohol for a week. It's actually a lot harder than it sounds...a whole week! No wine with dinner, no casual beers after work, no gin straight from the bottle when you can't sleep at night...jokes, people! As if I would drink beer after work.
Additionally, today I sucked it up, stopped being such a pale unmuscled wuss and hit the gym. I personally like the weights, as I can grunt and sweat whilst humming Survivor's "Eye Of The Tiger" and glaring at my "competition," i.e the chubby middle-ager desperately trying to lost fifteen kilos on the stationary bicycle. Yeah that's right. Don't look at me!!
Anyway. I think you have earned these photographs from my twentieth birthday nightclubbing celebrations, which was basically a big steaming pile of awesome, complete with Jagerbombs, running through some sprinklers, a minor fight with my twin brother and cigars at midnight.

Photographs donated by Jacki.
I invited my an old friend over and went all twenties' housewife on her ass, cooking up a delectable feast of wholemeal spaghetti with organic tomato sauce and vegetarian soy sausage. And then I did not have any wine, as I am currently staving off alcohol for a week. It's actually a lot harder than it sounds...a whole week! No wine with dinner, no casual beers after work, no gin straight from the bottle when you can't sleep at night...jokes, people! As if I would drink beer after work.
Additionally, today I sucked it up, stopped being such a pale unmuscled wuss and hit the gym. I personally like the weights, as I can grunt and sweat whilst humming Survivor's "Eye Of The Tiger" and glaring at my "competition," i.e the chubby middle-ager desperately trying to lost fifteen kilos on the stationary bicycle. Yeah that's right. Don't look at me!!
Anyway. I think you have earned these photographs from my twentieth birthday nightclubbing celebrations, which was basically a big steaming pile of awesome, complete with Jagerbombs, running through some sprinklers, a minor fight with my twin brother and cigars at midnight.
Monday, 1 February 2010
i don't care who you are in this bar
I am burning the candle at both ends right now, but I'm quite enjoying it. I have been:
Listening to a colossal amount of dance music, drinking litres of Red Bull to keep up, eating mushrooms and dolmades (rice wrapped in vine leaves...from a can), going out to my favourite restaurant (they serve the best edamame beans, with chilli and garlic), nightclubbing until 5am with my crazy party animal friends, drinking cocktails we can't afford, running barefoot through wet grass at 4am, laughing, regretting my hideously late nights the next morning at my office job, drinking green tea to get through the slumps, hanging at my parents,' sleeping on their couch, reading a million fashion magazines, watching "Skins" (which a certain lovely person presented for my birthday gift, which was absolutely perfect), awaiting the onset of all-night study and essays, texting up a storm (also known as "crippling phone bill) on my new keyboard phone.
Listening to a colossal amount of dance music, drinking litres of Red Bull to keep up, eating mushrooms and dolmades (rice wrapped in vine leaves...from a can), going out to my favourite restaurant (they serve the best edamame beans, with chilli and garlic), nightclubbing until 5am with my crazy party animal friends, drinking cocktails we can't afford, running barefoot through wet grass at 4am, laughing, regretting my hideously late nights the next morning at my office job, drinking green tea to get through the slumps, hanging at my parents,' sleeping on their couch, reading a million fashion magazines, watching "Skins" (which a certain lovely person presented for my birthday gift, which was absolutely perfect), awaiting the onset of all-night study and essays, texting up a storm (also known as "crippling phone bill) on my new keyboard phone.
Thursday, 28 January 2010
i'll be your mirror
What's up homies? Well. I know from my blog entries it kind of seems like I'm an alcoholic bimbo, but that would be wrong. And also judgmental, you assholes!
Anyway...in actuality I am working towards a university degree (by correspondence, as not to aggravate my social ineptitude on an actual campus, with other people). Am actually getting a little excited about university starting up again this semester, as it will give me something to think about in my spare time so I don't accidentally go insane.
Although I'm not studying any English literature classes this semester (which will feel a bit weird), I am definitely looking forward to studying Nutrition and Art History. Provided I can juggle two classes alongside full-time work and salsa dancing. Ooh, I want to learn French as well, and purchase those language CD's, and a little microphone to speak into...
Well. That was a little bit of a spiel. But it's cool for you guys to know that there is more to me, am not a life waster or anything like that. Alright. I'm going out to grab some noodles for dinner.
Anyway...in actuality I am working towards a university degree (by correspondence, as not to aggravate my social ineptitude on an actual campus, with other people). Am actually getting a little excited about university starting up again this semester, as it will give me something to think about in my spare time so I don't accidentally go insane.
Although I'm not studying any English literature classes this semester (which will feel a bit weird), I am definitely looking forward to studying Nutrition and Art History. Provided I can juggle two classes alongside full-time work and salsa dancing. Ooh, I want to learn French as well, and purchase those language CD's, and a little microphone to speak into...
Well. That was a little bit of a spiel. But it's cool for you guys to know that there is more to me, am not a life waster or anything like that. Alright. I'm going out to grab some noodles for dinner.
Sunday, 24 January 2010
it's my wife and it's my life
I stayed out with some party people until the sun came up last night. It is the strangest thing when the nightclubs begin to close in the early hours of the morning; they really should be open all hours to accommodate scoundrels like us, who freeze in the brisk morning air in flimsy clothing designed for hot sweaty nightclubs, close contact and frenzied dancing. We caught the bus home in the morning, delicate stomachs and all, alongside all the weekend workers heading in for the morning shift.
I need some sleep. I'm alone in my bedroom, again (sometimes a sharehouse can be a surprisingly lonely affair when you don't feel you fit in all that well). Listening to The Velvet Underground's "Heroin."
Another photograph of me! Aren't you all just so lucky. I need a haircut.
I need some sleep. I'm alone in my bedroom, again (sometimes a sharehouse can be a surprisingly lonely affair when you don't feel you fit in all that well). Listening to The Velvet Underground's "Heroin."
Another photograph of me! Aren't you all just so lucky. I need a haircut.
Saturday, 16 January 2010
we won't stop until somebody calls the cops
Good morning.
Well, it appears that I have exhausted myself from last night's crazy adventures. Woke up with a sore neck (fell asleep upright on the couch earlier by accident) and bathed in sweat (overdosed on Redbull). So today I aspire to sleep, eat some fruit and a corn cob that I've been saving for a special occasion, read some much neglected novels and watch episode after episode of "Gossip Girl." It's so calming!
Also family dinner tonight, which will be fun. These days, if I don't go out for dinner, I don't eat. I really should get used to that "regular groceries" business I hear so much about.

Well, it appears that I have exhausted myself from last night's crazy adventures. Woke up with a sore neck (fell asleep upright on the couch earlier by accident) and bathed in sweat (overdosed on Redbull). So today I aspire to sleep, eat some fruit and a corn cob that I've been saving for a special occasion, read some much neglected novels and watch episode after episode of "Gossip Girl." It's so calming!
Also family dinner tonight, which will be fun. These days, if I don't go out for dinner, I don't eat. I really should get used to that "regular groceries" business I hear so much about.
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