I have been feeling so weird lately! My life is just a confusing tangle of people and events.
I have been drinking a lot of wine and vodka which I love, have gone out to dinner a couple of times which was also lovely, have sent a million text messages on my super cute phone (Nokia E71's are the shit), have caught countless buses in the chilly night full of drunkards and drug addicts and tired public service commuters heading home while my night is only beginning. It's nice right now to think of all the fun times but I'm falling behind on my reading and writing for university, and the deadlines are fast approaching. Uh oh! Head down, bum up (as they say).
I am about to collapse of exhaustion today due to a particularly late night, but I can't until I have completed this stupid assignment! I will make a futile attempt to pamper myself during study time by eating organic peanut butter straight out of the jar and reading my textbooks in bed under a doona (as opposed to upright at my desk). It's the little things in life.
Also I promise to be a little more regular with the blogging...I'm such a slacker these days. Super slack. As in, I just had to rub jojoba oil through my hair to attempt to detangle the matted parts. It is wrong for a girl in the 21st century to have matted hair. And now my scalp feels as though it is on fire. Not my day, man!
taylor swift lyrics & organic peanut butter.
yes! your blog keeps getting better and better :D
Haha it's the best kind of afternoon when there is Taylor Swift and peanut butter :)
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