Yesterday was summer-sunny, so approximately one million university students made the most of it at Oktoberfest celebrations at the ANU bar. Lots of beer, lots of people, ran into a few we knew. We left, then came back at 9pm and it was madness...I have never seen so many wasted people in the same place at the same time. Anyway. It was hilarious.
Tomorrow I have work, then I suppose I will quickly change in the dirty staff toilets into a slinky outfit and high heels for the two 21st birthday parties I will be attending.
No time for makeup, showers are for suckers.

And then I assume I will be a complete bitch on Sunday, so for that I do apologise (poor Mitchell!).
I am tired. And why doesn't my phone ever ring when I want it to?
yay 21sts :D what time do you think you'll come to stepsh? you should try and jag a lift off mel
brendan looks really cute in that picture. god, i can't believe we're of the age where we go to a lot of 21st?! can't wait for mine!
thank you so much for the peek at my useless ramblings and pictures.
(I was having a bad day as well!)
loving the blog by the way - it's crazy cool.
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