Went out last night, had an illegally good time with my bros and hoes for a birthday. The birthday girl cooked us chicken stir-fry (tofu in my case) at her house, absorbed a couple of bottles of wine and got silly. Headed out after and I became intoxicated as the night wore on...I may have said or done some embarrassing things. Sorry Mitchell! Then we all hit up McDonald's and gorged ourselves on apple pies and fries and danced around at 1am at a children's playground somewhere.
Had work today and was completely exhausted and bitchy, as Jamal and I ended up having a MARATHON "Entourage" session the night before and didn't get home until 3am. Whaddup eight hours of sleep in two days.
My bedroom has protested against my absence by throwing up over itself, then eating it, and throwing it back up again in the form of shoes everywhere, dirty socks, underwear hanging from the ceiling fan etc.
yay partying! i can't wait till my essays are done and then i will be partying like i just don't care :P
jane you bum bag! why do you never come out with us?! What did you do to Mitchell?
if you don't call me soon I'm gonna come to your work and staple something to your face. love you x
I can't believe you just called me a "bum bag." Wtf.
I only just finished an essay, and it was due on the Thursday that you guys went out- therefore, was stuck in my bedroom.
I promise I will!
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