Why, thankyou for the kind offer Melyn! But no, you have it, because I have to study tonight. No really, please enjoy. Knock it back. Good girl.
I can't wait until I knock this essay out of the way- my friends are going out tonight, and I am so jealous because I've been trapped in this bedroom for three days straight trying to write this, while the others get to go out and party like it's 1999. I'm practically a fucking SAINT.
Well. Guys. Please get drunk and vomit on at least one taxi driver for me. Thanks.
She's pretty
i don't know if the above comment is flattering or creepy.
I think "anonymous" makes it creepy :P
don't worry after tonight i'll be trapped for a long time. just trying not to think about it lol
Thanks, Mel is pretty...anonymous...Hey, will you be trapped if I plan something cool? Like a drunken picnic?
i'm always down for a picnic :)
thanks for the compliment kind stranger. I never realised what a creature of habit I was...
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